Looking back in order to look ahead
Everyone deals differently with a pandemic. A new qualitative study by midi explores possible personal paths that can be taken. And of course, everybody's curious to find out if they gotten theirs right!

Based on long-term surveys, the study identifies 8 general ways to cope during times of covid. A simple online quiz can show you which of these overlap with yours:

Find out with Pandem-O-Mat!
How did people react, what moved them and what gave them strength? Study and web tool help to understand others and oneself alike.

"Lebensgefühl Corona" provides deep insights into society, while allowing for a lighthearted access to the matter. We were quite happy to see the positive and broad press response to the publication of the study, which is available below for those who want to take a closer look:

Client: Diakonie & EKD / Year: 2021
Strategy: Eva Müller, Max Kowalewski / Creative Direction: Jon Hoekstra
Project Management: Carla Hohmann, Max Kowalewski
Art Direction: Hannah Cunningham, Jakob Göbel, Marie Kapferer
Code: Felix Niklas / Illustration: Philipp Seefeldt