The election
for bird of the year 2021
Finally: Voting rights for all! For the first time in the 50-year history of NABU, the people decide. Who will be bird of the year 2021?

You can vote here

Also create your individual election campaign material!

Lesser spotted eagle against snow sparrow! Great Grey Shrike against Wood Pigeon! Linnet against Bearded Tit! Hardly anyone talks about the parallel election in America.

The good news is spread.

A competition is breaking out on Twitter. Especially about the golden plover.

The campaign was developed under the leadership of Social Social. Find more about the race for the title »Bird of the Year 2021« everywhere under #VogelDesJahres.
Client: NABU Deutschland / Year: 2020-2021
Strategy: Eva Müller / Creative Direction: Jon Hoekstra
Project Management: Nora Kaiser / Art Direction: Mattea Bug
Programming: Faktor E & Artur Turkuli